Thursday, 25 September 2014

Avatar Dream

So I usually wont be uploading this often because I cant decide when I  have dreams but this is one I had like 2 days ago. I should start off by saying that in the world of avatar (not the blue one) people are born with the power to bend 1 of 4 elements (air,fire,water and earth) at their will. Also I should mention that my brain couldn't decide if this was in the style of a cartoon/anime or real life. It started off in a scene from avatar the legend of Korra but I was in the role of the main bad guy. Basically I had recently gotten air bending (I was already a water bender) and was living some of the other brand new air benders at the good guys temple. They had just figured out I was a bad guy and were preparing to arrest me.
Basically it was this scene except I was the bald guy and it was day time
I realized that I needed to run away and so I used my new air bending powers to form a tornado under me and started to fly away. Suddenly I was in my primary school (like my other dream) but I was heading out of it. Suddenly 2 girls from my school (Darcy and Amy) were chasing me but they were riding water tornadoes. Apparently just outside of my school was a desert wasteland with just one giant red rock. I decided to head towards the red rock but realized that the 2 girls were gaining on me really fast and I wouldn't make it in time. I decided to turn around and charged right between them and went back through the school to the temple. Once I reached the temple the chief of police was waiting for me with an old women tied up.
This is the chief of police
Apparently I knew the old lady because she yelled "grab the scroll". I then turned and saw a purple bowl with a paper scroll in it. I ran and grabbed the scroll then flew away using my tornado again. The chief of police yelled "after him" so then I was being chased by the 2 girls again. Eventually I reached a gate but then the 2 girls caught me. I don't remember which one but 1 of the girls was beating the shit out of me because I apparently killed her mother. After while I made up some bullshit story about how her mother and I were in a team together and she sacrificed herself for me. The girls then let me leave and said they would distract the chief of police. I then realized I needed a safe place to read the scroll so I used my tornado to look for a safe place. Eventually I found one my friends named Luke hiding behind a car. I went over to him because the place looked safe and I told him to be silent so I could read the scroll. The scroll had poems on it that were from avatar the legend of korra including a favorite of mine. I only had time to read one poem so I picked my favorite. It goes like this Let go of your earthly tether, Enter the void, Empty and become wind. After reading it I was confused because I didn't feel any different. I didn't have anytime to think about it though as suddenly there was a German Shepard growling at my face. I saw that my two friends Nick and Cooper were holding the dog. They said they were gonna arrest me then the dog growled at me. I then barked as loud as I could and I scarred of the dog and my friends. One of them said "you didn't have to be so mean". I realized that they would be back with reinforcements so I ran inside a large building. It turned out have a bunch of classrooms in it. Then all my friends and the chief of police were inside the building chasing me from room to room. I tried water bending them back but all I did was wet them. As I was running past I quickly chucked water at Darcy because I thought it was funny. I was then stuck in a computer room with a huge glass window at the back. Everyone was in the room telling me to give up because I was surrounded. I had a little bit of water left from me bending it earlier. I decided to turn it into a sharp shape and started charging it at the glass. Eventually I made a small hole in the glass and decided to jump through it. The window shattered as I exited the room. I heard someone yell "how did he fit through that small hole" even though I had smashed through the entire window. I was then at a desertish type of area with a small lake in the middle. I then air bended a tornado and went on the lake. Everyone had now caught up so I tried to bend a tsunami at them but I couldn't do it. The chief then said "every back off" and so they did. I reached the other end of the lake and started walking away. Suddenly all my friends were with me except they were on my side. We found a stadium and decided to enter it. The stadium was like owned by KFC or something because everything was in KFC colours and there were KFC ads everywhere. There was even a giant statue KFC bucket with coffee in it. The stadium looked like it hadn't been used in year and was really dirty. We found a food shack on the edge of the grass field. It had 2 stories. To get to the top there was a stair case on the outside but the door was locked. My friends told me to air bend up to the balcony of the second floor but for some reason I was suddenly really scared of heights. After awhile I got up there. It smelled terrible and all the food looked rotten. Also there were a bunch of half drunken McDonald's cups everywhere. I told my friends the bad news and so we went to leave the stadium on the other side we came from. But attached to this stadium was another stadium. This one was actually in use though and wasn't covered in KFC stuff. We all sat down at some tables. I saw a wine/beer stand and was wondering if I could steal some as nobody was working at it. I decided they probably had an alarm of something so I decided not to try. Suddenly the chief's niece came to the stadium and passed me my phone. I decided to text the chief saying "thanks for the phone". I then saw her perspective as she got really mad. I saw my friend Sam downloading a Iphone update and I told him to stop because he would waste all his data but then he told me the stadium has free WiFi. Suddenly I was in my friend Brandons perspective and he was at drinks stand trying to buy $12 worth of drinks. The drinks all came in weird sizes and were overpriced. Suddenly I woke up at like 1am. This has got to be one of my favorite dreams as I got to bend the elements. When I was bending air It like when your in water and you push it around. But when I was making a tornado I felt like I was trying to hold my own wait with just my arms. Bending water felt really different as it was like I was holding something very light and easy to move. Anyway that's enough for now so I guess ill see ya later. 

Wierd School Dream

OK so I had this dream like a month ago but I still remember it pretty well. It starts off with me, my friend Cooper and 3 other kids from my school being in a second story room with a cart full of laptops. It was apparently at my Primary School but the building doesn't exist in real life but anyway it seemed like we were having a party and heaps of kids were there. Cooper was just sitting there awkwardly in the corner not talking so I decided that maybe if we go outside he'll feel better. We went out and met up with my other friend Sam and his cousin Jesse. Jesse suggested we go for a walk across town to a deli to get some slushies and we all agreed to. During the walk to leave school we saw a old women (she looked around 60) walking a huge dog which then took a shit on the school grounds and we all laughed. Suddenly it felt like time skipped because we were suddenly close to the deli but I didn't seem to notice. Sam and Jesse suddenly stopped at a corner and told us to look at this old building that was apparently damaged in WW2 (even though I live in Australia). The building was made of bricks and was 2 story's but the door to the first floor was blocked by a bunch of rubble. Luckily the rubble was from a blown off wall at the second floor and made a ramp into the top room. After a long back-story which I don't remember they decided to go into the room but I really didn't want to because the place scared me so I just waited outside. Eventually a piece of rubble fell of the house and hit me on the head and I fell over. Once I was less dizzy I decided to get up but the was pushed back by something. Suddenly a fucking dead corpse crawled over my body with its back facing towards me. Then its head did a full 180 turn and was facing directly at me. It kinda looked like the girl from pt but with longish hair and was a boy.
So in case you couldn't tell I was fucking terrified. It then told me that my friends were going to die then it was gonna come back to finish me off. I then heard all of them scream which gave me the energy to get up and run into the room. The room was a bathroom with a dead female body siting on a chair and the body that had jumped on me earlier hanging from a rope. I was really confused but then decided to head down the stairs on the left of the room. Down the stairs was a kitchen that felt a little cramped. I then felt something stab into me and go down my spine. It then started to control me and made me crawl back up the stairs. My friends were back in the bathroom as if they had never left (idk where they went earlier) and they saw me. They all tried to run out of the room in fear but "I" grabbed on of them. I saw the fear in his eyes and that's when I decided I needed to stop so I let go of him and he ran out the room. I then forced myself to walk back into the kitchen where I forced the thing out of my body. It appeared to be green goo about the size of my hand. It was confused on how I resisted it then decided it needed to kill me. Suddenly it was controlling the dead body from earlier and started charging at me. Apparently whenever I was close to being killed my body gave me super powers that looked like the regenerative energy that comes out of doctor who when he regenerates.
Suddenly I could shoot bursts of energy that looked like that and I could also slam the ground and release a massive amount of the energy. It didn't seem to destroy the house as well. After while of constant energy blasts the green goo left the body and started bouncing around the room. After awhile I hit the goo with my energy powers and killed it. I then decided to reunite with my friends so I went back upstairs to leave the house. I saw my friends school bags and smiled as I grabbed them to give to my friends. When I left the room suddenly I was in my school but I didn't seem to notice. Another thing I didn't notice was that my friends had changed to my other friends Nick and Brandon. Also a girl from my class called Darcy was there. I started to say "hey guys you forgot your bags" but stopped mid sentence as I realized that they had their bags on them. Suddenly one of my teachers was also there. I then said that they weren't my friends and sprinted as fast as I could. One of them said "oh well at least we still got the baby" as "Nick" started to chase after me. Time skipped again and suddenly I was at the other side of the school and "Nick" was gaining on me fast. I realized there was no escape so I stopped and turned around to see "Brandon and Darcy" but "Nick" was missing. I pretended that they were my friends and that I didn't know they were something else. They believed me and told me I had to go to the foursquare courts for some reason. We then walked over back to the other side of the school and were at the foursquare courts. I stopped when I realized that something bad was going to happen once I got on the courts so I needed to buy me some time. I said I needed to go to the bathroom and they let me. I then told them that the one close to the court smelled and I needed to go to the one that was on the other side of the school. "Darcy" was waiting outside to make sure I didn't try to run away. Once I was inside I found a mini-toilet that you could hold and pee into #milliondollarinvention. I saw some other boys hiding from some girls so I guessed that they were in the same situation as me. I then came up with a plan to place a thing from league of legends called a ward down and I could teleport to it later then run away. I then tried placing it but it had a red glow like in games when you try putting so meting where you cant place it. Darcy the walked through a door that I didn't know existed and told me my time was up. Luckily I hid the ward just in time. I then left the bathroom and said that I was hungry and started walking to the canteen. "Brandon" then chased after me and asked what I was doing in a very aggressive voice. I said was gonna get some food and then I would go to the foursquare courts. I then said my friends would let me eat. "Brandon" didn't want to blow his cover so he went along with it and we went to the canteen. I then said I wanted 2 roles filled with hot chips, 1 with gravy and 1 without. I guess the girl serving us was working with my fake friends because she gave "Brandon" the food for free and then "Brandon passed it to me. I then sat down in a shade and asked "Brandon" why he didn't get anything. He then left to buy some food giving me time to hid the ward under a chair. After awhile the glow went green and I placed it but then I heard "Brandon" screaming. It looked like he was having a heart attack when his body disappeared and was replace by a giant hologram of agent Washington from red vs blue. Suddenly I woke up in a military tent with a bunch of military guys including agent Washington. They then explained that the reds and blues were trapped under a flaming army truck and that I once saved soldiers from the exact same situation in my past life. They then said they were trying to cover those memory of my ancestors to save the reds and blues. This is when I woke up and went to school thinking about this dream all day.